What does rest and restoration look like for perfectionists? Why do therapists sometimes overlook their burnout symptoms? What are the early red flags of burnout?

In this podcast episode, Dawn Gabriel speaks with Khara Croswaite Brindle about burnout in perfectionists and entrepreneurs.

Meet Khara Croswaite Brindle


Khara Croswaite Brindle is passionate about giving people aha moments that create goosebumps and catalyze powerful action. She is a TEDx Speaker, Licensed Professional Counselor, and Burnout Consultant in Denver, Colorado.

Khara’s greatest joy is engaging driven entrepreneurs and perfectionists to move from workaholic to well-balanced lifestyles. Khara offers trainings and on-demand courses in burnout prevention and recovery, compassion fatigue, and work-life balance. She also has a masterclass, workbook, and book series Perfectioneur: From Workaholic to Well-Balanced, an Amazon #1 Best Seller!

Visit Croswaite Counseling and connect with Khara on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

FREEBIE: Catalysts in Counseling E-Book — Strategies to Strengthen Your Practice.


  • The red flags of burnout
  • Why do therapists sometimes overlook their burnout?
  • You are human first
  • Khara’s tips for treating burnout

The red flags of burnout

If you are experiencing burnout for the first time then keep an eye out for some warning signs like:

  • Experiencing physical distress such as comfort eating, tense muscles, stomach pains, or elevated heart rates
  • Experiencing emotional distress such as mood swings, anxiety, or depressive-like symptoms such as sleepiness or lethargy

I think there’s a unique subset of symptoms for [over]-performers and the achievers … and then there’s the other side that is more depressive. There is an anxious presentation and a depressive presentation. (Khara Croswaite Brindle)

  • Avoiding social commitments and feeling overwhelmed by small invites or requests
  • Dreading your schedule

Why do therapists sometimes overlook their burnout?

Therapists often overschedule themselves and work with too many clients.

I know the running joke is that [therapists] would rather focus on [their client’s] problems than their own; “I’d rather focus on that client that is suicidal than think about my burnout”. (Khara Croswaite Brindle)

When it comes to dealing with problems, it sometimes feels easier for therapists to help clients overcome their struggles than to help themselves solve their own issues.

It becomes easier to focus on other people’s problems, especially when you think that you do not have the time or energy, or finances to make self-care possible.

You are human first

For overachievers and perfectionists, the idea of sitting on the couch and doing nothing is almost stressful.

Common self-care principles sometimes do not work for them because those principles do not align with their values.

However, you have to be a human being first before you are a professional. You are a human being before you are anything else.

Maybe it is taking a walk with [your] dog or playing with [your] kids. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate plan for a [expensive] seven-day vacation that will stress [you] out to plan … redefining [self-care] as rest and restoration has really helped. (Khara Croswaite Brindle)

How can you make small changes to daily life to keep yourself feeling connected to the present moment?

Khara’s tips for treating burnout

  1. Do a restorative mind shift: what does true rest and restoration look like for you? Make a list of things that you can do alone, with your partner, or with your family that you can refer to when you are needing some time to connect with yourself.
  2. Craft what your ideal schedule would look like: put that on paper and make small changes towards creating it.
  3. Find movement: permit yourself to slow down with movement. Pick a song and dance it out between sessions, or go for a walk at the end of the day. Give yourself five minutes or more of movement to shift your mindset and your energy.

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