Episode 90 | The Transformation of Spiritual Direction with Dan Kane

Welcome to the latest episode of Soul Care for Therapists. In this episode, titled “The Transformation of Spiritual Direction,” we have the pleasure of hosting Dan Kane, an experienced spiritual director who has been involved in Dawn’s life for several years. Dawn Gabriel shares a bit about her personal journey in a school for spiritual direction. Dan, the leader of the school, started out as a civil engineer turned missionary engineer, and how his experiences led him to the practice of spiritual direction. Stay tuned till the end of the episode where Dan leads us into a guided spiritual exercise “The Practice of Being Know.”

Meet Dan Kane

Dan is a spiritual director and supervisor who teaches with the Sustainable Faith Schools of Spiritual Direction. An enthusiast of Ignatian Spirituality, Dan has also been trained by Sustainable Faith to accompany individuals through the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, a deeply formational journey for those hungry to grow in their experience of God. He is also a pilgrimage guide along the Camino de Ignaciano, a recently developed route in northeastern Spain that highlights the journey Ignatius of Loyola made in the year 1522 and invites modern-day pilgrims to a growing understanding of God’s direction for one’s life. Over the last 20+ years, Dan has served churches as an elder, staff member, and volunteer ministry leader, worked full-time with a few different mission organizations, and in 2022 began serving with InterVarsity USA as an Associate Director of Spiritual Formation.

Understanding Spiritual Direction

Dawn asks Dan to shed light on the difference between spiritual direction and Christian therapy. Dan refers to a definition provided by William Barry and William Connolly in their book The Practice of Spiritual Direction, saying, “We define spiritual direction then as the help given by one believer to another that enables the latter to pay attention to God’s personal communication…to grow in intimacy with this God and to live out the consequences of the relationship.” He emphasizes the importance of companionship and helping individuals become more aware of God’s presence in their everyday lives. Spiritual direction involves noticing, exploring, reflecting, and responding to the ways in which God communicates and reveals Himself. Dan also highlights the focus on the present and the desire to become more like Christ through experiential encounters with God.

Cultivating Heightened Awareness

“Did you know that God is present in every moment of your life, even the ordinary ones?” It’s true! To experience God’s presence, start by paying attention to the small wonders around you. Notice the vibrant colors of the flowers, the gentle breeze on your face, or the laughter of your friends. As the speaker in the episode suggests, “When you’re brushing your teeth or playing with your pet, remember that God is there with you, loving you and guiding you.” By developing a heightened awareness, you’ll begin to see the fingerprints of God in the beauty and simplicity of your everyday experiences.

The Transformative Power of Spiritual Direction

Dawn shares her personal experience of attending Dan’s school, where she learned not only about spiritual direction but also engaged in experiential practices that deepened her intimacy with God. She explains that therapy often focuses on coping skills and rearranging the “furniture” in the lower room of our lives, while spiritual direction delves into the upper room of the soul, exploring the spiritual realm and experiencing God on a deeper level. Dawn expresses how her journey toward becoming a spiritual director has been transformational, not just informational. Dan expands on this distinction, saying that while knowledge and information about God are important, true transformation occurs when that knowledge shapes our encounters with and experiences of God. Spiritual direction aims to help individuals become more like Christ, cultivating intimacy, and living out the implications of their relationship with God. Through the episode Dawn and Dan explore the differences between knowing about God and experiencing God’s presence.

Experience God with a Personal Connection

The conversation emphasizes that experiencing God’s presence goes beyond mere knowledge. It highlights the importance of developing a personal relationship with God. Similarly, knowledge about God involves understanding concepts and teachings, but experiencing God’s presence involves a deeper connection that touches the heart and soul. Knowing about God is good, but experiencing God’s love and guidance in our everyday lives is even better. It’s like reading a book about your favorite historical figure versus actually meeting them and feeling their strength and kindness.

Experiencing God with a Personal Encounter

Where is a place where you experience God? It is not always in a church or place of worship. It can be doing a service project, in a forest, on a walk, or having deep conversations with people. While knowledge about God involves understanding concepts and teachings through learning and study, experiencing the presence of God requires a personal encounter and direct experience. It surpasses intellectual understanding and touches the depths of our hearts and souls. Learning about God is like studying a beautiful painting, and understanding its colors and composition. Experiencing God’s presence, on the other hand, is like stepping into the painting, feeling the warmth of the sun, smelling the flowers, and hearing the whispers of the wind. Where can you step into an experience with God?

Engaging in Experiential Learning

Dawn reflects on the structure of Dan’s teaching and the experiential nature of their learning environment. She describes how they engaged in exercises that facilitated a deeper presence before God, allowing space to notice thoughts, feelings, and even bodily sensations. Through this process, participants were able to share their experiences and learn from one another. Dan adds that this collective learning enhances the awareness of God’s presence and communication, fostering a hunger for a more intimate and deep relationship with Him. Dawn recalls a particularly impactful exercise in which they listened to one another’s stories, paying attention to how God had shown up in their lives. This exercise highlighted the importance of being listened to and receiving observations from others, helping individuals recognize God’s presence in their own stories.

Experiencing God Through Sharing Stories and Encounters

Imagine the excitement of sharing your own stories of encountering God with others! When you open your heart and share these experiences, you not only inspire others but also deepen your own understanding of God’s presence. It could be as simple as sharing a moment when you felt God’s comfort during a challenging time or when you experienced joy and gratitude for the blessings in your life. By listening to others’ stories as well, you’ll learn to recognize God’s hand at work in the lives of those around you. So, let your voice be heard and let your stories of faith shine brightly!

Experiencing God Through Seeking Spiritual Companionship

Embarking on a spiritual journey is always better with a companion by your side. The speaker encourages us to find a spiritual director or a trusted mentor who can guide and support us along the way. This person can be someone you trust, like a teacher, a family member, or a community leader. They will help you understand and interpret your encounters with God, providing valuable insights and encouragement. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey of faith. Your spiritual companion will walk alongside you, nurturing your connection with God and helping you navigate the wonders of everyday life.

Live a Life Expecting to Experience the Presence of God

Dan Kane enlightens us about the practice of spiritual direction and its transformative power. He emphasizes the distinction between informational knowledge and experiential encounters with God, highlighting the importance of living out the implications of our relationship with Him. Dawn shares her personal journey and the impact of engaging in experiential learning in Dan’s school. The episode concludes with a sense of curiosity and a desire to explore our own experiences of God more deeply.

Tips for Increasing Your Spiritual Awareness

  • Take time to notice and reflect on how you experience God in your everyday life.
  • Share your experiences and stories with others, paying attention to how God has shown up in your life.
  • Seek out companionship and support from a spiritual director or fellow believers to help you grow in intimacy with God.
  • Engage in experiential practices that facilitate a deeper presence before God, allowing space to notice thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations.
  • Foster a hunger for a more intimate and deep relationship with God through collective learning and sharing experiences with others.

Links and Resources

  • Grafted Life for more Spirital; Direction Resources
  • Sustainable Faith – a collective of spiritual directors and pastors working to create a spiritually healthy culture among leaders and their communities

Podcast Production and Show Notes by James Marland