Episode 96 | Dancing Towards Healing: Exploring Dance Movement Therapy with Kandice Moss, DMT, LPC, IMH

Welcome to another episode of Soul Care for Therapists, where today we dive deep into intriguing approaches to mental health and well-being. Our special guest today we have the pleasure of sitting down with is Kandice Moss, a licensed professional counselor and board-certified dance movement therapist. Prepare to be inspired as we unravel the enchanting world of dance movement therapy, exploring its transformative impact on our lives.

A Dance with Authenticity: Discovering the Power of Movement

In this captivating segment, Kandice introduces us to the enchanting world of dance movement therapy, a unique therapeutic approach that utilizes movement and nonverbal communication to unlock hidden emotions and foster healing. With a friendly and passionate tone, Kandice shares her personal journey into this innovative practice, emphasizing how dance can be a powerful conduit for authentic self-expression.

“Through the training, we learned so many techniques of what dance movement psychotherapy is, and I have just found to incorporate that not just in my life as a clinician and as a therapist, but in the many roles that I play…everything is a dance.”

The Art of Listening: Unveiling the Nonverbal Conversations Within Us

Dive into the heart of dance movement therapy with Kandice, as she takes us on a journey through the nuances of nonverbal communication. In this section, Kandice shares how she delicately navigates the dance of therapy, carefully observing her clients’ bodily expressions and gestures. Through poignant examples, she illuminates the profound insights that emerge when we listen to the language of the body.

“I might invite them…to actually take the space…so how do we also sequence ourselves from this ball shape to the sunshine gesture that you described? So now we can put into practice all the steps that we need to do to move from this ball shape to the sunshine shape that you described.”

Healing Steps: Embracing Movement to Transform Trauma

In this touching section, Kandice delves into the therapeutic power of movement in healing trauma. With empathy and wisdom, she walks us through how dance movement therapy offers a safe space for individuals to confront their traumas, fostering a deeper understanding of their emotional landscape. Kandice reveals how she collaborates with clients to create a healing dance that awakens their resilience.

“It’s a very delicate place again, where trauma lives, where anxiousness lives…how it manifests within our bodies and how we relate to others, how we relate to ourselves.”

Faith in Motion: The Spiritual Connection to Dance

Kandice beautifully intertwines her faith with the practice of dance movement therapy. Drawing parallels between the dance of life and her spiritual beliefs, she invites us to see how dance can be a conduit for connecting with God and deepening our relationship with the divine. With warmth and grace, Kandice shares how her faith infuses every step she takes as a dance movement therapist.

“Our faith is a dance, like our relationship with God is again, the give and take, the ability to enter into prayer where we’re listening, okay, where we’re now, we’re, we’re the followers, quote unquote. As we’re dancing, we’re listening, you know, and we’re able to hear.”

About Kandice Moss

Kandice Moss is the owner of Moss Therapy and Wellness; a creative arts psychotherapies and counseling practice. Kandice is a graduate of Columbia College Chicago, holding a Masters’s degree in Dance Movement Psychotherapy and Professional Counseling. Her own experience of the healing power of dance and movement and her interest in helping individuals find their “why” led her to further her education in this field.

“Connection and relationships” are her motto. Kandice is passionate about helping individuals foster self-awareness and gain insight into their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors by using movement as a modality to further integrate themselves into a whole BEING– physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Action Steps:

Ready to dance your way to greater well-being? Here are a few action steps inspired by Kandice’s insights:

  • Explore Your Body’s Language: Take a moment each day to observe your bodily sensations, movements, and gestures. What might they be telling you about your emotions and thoughts?
  • Incorporate Movement Into Your Routine: Integrate intentional movement into your daily life. Whether it’s a brief dance, a stretch, or a mindful walk, allow your body to express itself.
  • Create a Healing Playlist: Curate a playlist of songs that resonate with your emotions. Listen to them and notice how your body responds. What shapes or movements might these songs inspire?
  • Embrace Nonverbal Communication: Pay attention to the nonverbal cues of those around you. Practice active listening by observing body language and gestures during conversations.
  • Cultivate Mindful Prayer or Meditation: Connect with your spirituality through movement-based practices. Incorporate gentle movements, breathwork, or dance into your prayer or meditation routine.

As we conclude this enlightening conversation, we’ve ventured into the world of dance movement therapy with Kandice Moss. From understanding the profound language of the body to weaving spirituality into each step, Kandice’s insights invite us to embrace life’s dance as a transformative journey toward authenticity, healing, and connection.

Links and Resources

Podcast Production and Show Notes by Course Creation Studio