The Rebranding Episode – Welcome Soul Care for Therapists | Ep 80

Welcome to the “Soul Care for Therapists” podcast, where the focus is on helping mental health therapists build sustainability in their businesses and lifestyle. Host Dawn Gabriel talks about how soul care, authentic community, and spiritual practices can help prevent burnout and live a life you love. In this episode, Dawn introduces the show’s rebranding and shares her journey to where she is today, passionate about helping group practice owners and all therapists prioritize soul care. She explains the three pillars of the show: soul care, authentic community, and spiritual practices.

The Journey to Soul Care

Dawn shares her journey to where she is today, explaining the podcast’s rebranding and her passion for helping therapists prioritize soul care. She discusses her shift from focusing on the stories of deconstructing faith to focusing on the stories of reconstructing faith, building practices, and working with group practice owners. Dawn explains how her recent schooling in spiritual direction has helped her create sacred space and dive into people’s soul and spirituality regardless of theology or religion. She emphasizes the need to take a deeper look at ourselves and build a sustainable life that goes beyond self-care. “I am just really passionate about soul care and what that is.”

The Five Pillars of Soul Care for Therapists

Dawn breaks down the three pillars of the “Soul Care for Therapists” podcast: Soul Care, Spirituality, Community, the Therapist Matrix, and consulting.

Soul Care

This pillar emphasizes the importance of caring for our souls, which includes our emotions, values, and beliefs. “Soul care is a deeper dive than self-care. It’s a paradigm shift of looking at life holistically.” Taking the time to reflect on our inner selves can help us to better understand our purpose and direction in life.


We all have a spiritual aspect to our being, and it’s essential to explore and nurture this part of ourselves. “There’s a spiritual part of us that we need to take a look at. Soul care, authentic community, and spiritual practices can help you prevent burnout and live a life you love.” Spirituality can provide us with a sense of meaning, purpose, and connection to something greater than ourselves.


As human beings, we are wired for connection, and having a supportive community can help us to thrive both personally and professionally. Finding our tribe can also provide us with a sense of belonging and validation. “Connecting with like-minded people and finding your tribe is essential for preventing burnout and sustaining a thriving practice.”

The Therapist Matrix

“As a mental health therapist and entrepreneur, you need to understand the layered inner world that comes with being a therapist and running a business.” Being a therapist comes with unique challenges and responsibilities, and it’s important to acknowledge and explore the layered inner world that comes with the role. This includes understanding the dynamics of the therapeutic relationship, countertransference, and the impact of our work on our personal lives.


Finally, we can’t forget the business side of running a therapy practice. Consulting on best practices, marketing, and financial management can help us to build a successful and sustainable practice.

Soul Care for Therapists” is a podcast for mental health therapists who want to build sustainability in their business and lifestyle. Dawn shares her journey to where she is today and explains the show’s three pillars: soul care, authentic community, and spiritual practices. She emphasizes the need to prioritize soul care, find authentic community, and incorporate spiritual practices into our daily lives. “We need to slow down, we need to take a deeper look at ourselves, we need to prioritize our soul care, and we need to build authentic community and incorporate spiritual practices into our daily lives.”

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